Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training (SWAT): State of the FieldThe Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training (SWAT) initiative was conducted with an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers, clinicians, and members of industry with experience in powered wheelchair intervention.
This state of the field report summarizes the initiative results, and suggests next steps in the research,
development, and commercialization of smart wheelchair technologies for assessment and training of powered mobility use.
University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, McGill University, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-02-01 | Pooja Viswanathan, Rosalie Wang, "Andrew Suttcliffe", "Lisa Kenyon", Geneviève Foley, Bill Miller, "Julianne Bell", "Lee Kirby", "Rich Simpson", Alex Mihailidis, "Marlene Adams", Philippe Archambault, "Ross Black", "Julie Blain", "Mark Bresler", "Simona Cotarla", "Yiannis Demiris", Ed Giesbrecht, "Paula Gardner", "Pearl Gryfe", "Karen Hall", "Christian Mandel", "Kathy McGilton", Francois Michaud, Ian Mitchell, Ben Mortenson, "Lisbeth Nilsson", Joelle Pineau, Emma Smith, "Ellen Zambalde", "Danny Zondervan", 2191, "Tom Carlson" |